Our Team

Our Promise
The fastest, most reliable, transparent & secure 1031 exchange experience you've ever had. How do we back up this promise?
FAST: We pick up the phone every time you call and respond to all messages within the same business day. We can put together an exchange for you same day if we need to.
RELIABLE: 1031 exchanges are all we do. That means our staff is trained to handle all types of exchanges. Whether it's a standard exchange, or a delayed, reverse, or improvement exchange, our staff is experienced and trained to handle even the most complex exchanges to ensure it's audit-free. Our team has handled over 18,000 exchanges and counting.
TRANSPARENT: We are fully bonded, insured and a member of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators.
SECURE: Each transaction uses a unique, individual account and is secured with dual signature requirements. We don't move your money until you tell us to. We look forward to earning your business today!